Unique & Intimidating to the eye...The Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien was a mystery to
the Allied forces. It's reported that the first pilots who saw it
thought it was a Japanese version of an ME-109. Later reports said it
was Italian designed and won the nick-name “Tony”. However, the Ki-61
was a unique Japanese design. Historically it's a beautiful and unique
design. As a model aircraft, the Ki-61 is a fast, clean,
high-performance warbird that looks great and flies even better.
Features:- Pilot, Painted and Installed
- Factory Laser Cut, Jig-Built, All Wood Construction
- Factory Covered and Finished
- Fiberglass Cowling
- Fixed Gear Included, (Optional Retractable Landing Gear Available, Sold Separately)
- Compatible with Glow and Electric Power System
- Complete Hardware Package
- Wingspan: 1540mm – 61.62in
- Wing Area: 13.18sq.dm - 595sq.in.
- Wing Loading: 82.7/dm.sq. - 27.1oz/sq.in. (Will Vary with Equipment Used)
- Length: 1120mm - 44in
- RTF Minimum Weight: 3.17Kg - 7lbs (Will Vary with Equipment Used)
- Radio: 5-6 channels - 5 (4 if EP) standard servos
- Engine: 46 Two Stroke, 70 Four Stroke (Sold Separately)
- Motor: Kv: 650 (RPM/V), 5 cell 4500mAh, 13x8 propeller (Sold Separately)
- Functions: Ailerons/Elevator/Rudder/Throttle/Optional Retractable Landing Gear