The full size PC-6 Pilatus Porter is a known 'STOL' workhorse capable of operating in rugged, short-field conditions for light transport roles, both civilian and military. This accurate replica of the PC-6 Pilatus Porter features an all little-ply balsa construction. The detailed covering make it a beautiful addition to everyone's hangar. The professional painted fiberglass cowl as well as pre-hinged control surfaces will have you in the air in no time.
- Wingspan: 62.2" (1,58m)
- Fuselage: 46" (1,16m)
- Weight: ~ 5.1 - 5.5 lbs (~ 2300 - 2500g)
- Engine req: .40 - .46 (2 stroke), .70 (4 stroke)
- Radio req: 4 channel w/ 4 servos